Friday 29 August 2014

Take Responsibility

eSports is still a young and disorganized industry for the most part and quite often you come across individuals who have little concern for anything but themselves or their self promotion. It's worrying how often you see people in positions of authority with little to no true experience in marketing, finances, legal issues, or general eSports customs. But above all, when shit hits the fan, people aren't willing to take responsibility for their actions and fade into the night.

If you're looking to start a new organization or a new venture in eSports, consider that while it's most likely a project of passion and your intentions may be true, you will inevitably be responsible for the well-being of others. Most often we see this occur in professional teams that take on team managers with little to no experience in managing people, contracts, finances, or partner relations. If you're a team and you find yourself in this position, look for advice before things turn sour.

Be responsible for your actions at all times, and consider the consequences that they might have on others in the industry around you. Our industry may be young but it is growing at such an incredible rate that there are external parties - non-endemic sponsors, investors, tech giants, journalists, and general public who are watching closely, some rooting for our success, others for our failure. Don't be responsible for driving them away.

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