Monday 1 September 2014

The Roles in eSports

You're a casual player, or maybe you've been in a few teams before and played fairly competitively. Perhaps you're just a spectator and you like the excitement of watching live games from multiple genres. Maybe you're brand new to the industry and you've yet to jump in. The one thing that units you is that you somehow want to be more involved in eSports.

Over the weeks I'll be breaking down some of the best ways for people to involve themselves, trying where possible to give general advice which can be utilized across any number of games or communities. First though, let's look at a quick sample of the potential areas you could potentially explore in eSports. Once you've made that decision, focusing your efforts will be far easier.

  • Professional Player - a competitive eSports athlete that earns money for high level competition
  • Team/Squad Manager - someone in charge of team logistics, management and communication
  • Team Owner - someone that runs a larger eSports organization composed of multiple teams
  • Team Content Specialist - someone that manages team social media, video, graphics
  • Team Coach - a highly experienced individual that teaches and trains teams
  • Event Organizer - someone that organizes and runs competitive events for players or teams
  • Event Admin - someone that supports and admins competitive events for games
  • Event Photographer - someone that takes professional photos for an event/events
  • Translator - someone that translates interviews or written work for events, teams, sponsors
  • Interviewer - someone that interviews professional players or eSports personalities
  • Commentator - someone that shoutcasts or commentates eSports games
  • Host - someone that hosts live eSports events
  • Developer - someone that creates competitive games
  • Journalist - an individual that covers eSports news and stories
  • Streamer - someone that live-streams gameplay for an audience
  • Sponsor - someone that sponsors teams, events, or communities

Undoubtedly there are many, many more specific roles within eSports which could potentially appeal to individuals, and we'll hopefully touch on some of those later. If you have any roles or positions to add to this list, please let me know in the comments below.

Over the next few weeks we'll look deeper into some of these roles by speaking to professionals already performing these jobs across the industry. Make sure you tune in and register for email updates on the right hand side!

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